Jan. 23, 2021


Jan. 22, 2021

Larry & I have always enjoyed taking time together in nature. Larry says "Let's go for a drive!" I say "OK!"  Yesterday we enjoyed a beautiful sunset walk with Jason, starting out at Vanier park on English Bay, along the beach toward Kits. Enjoying more daylight each day, we went from sun, to sunset, to dark. One of our favorite Vancouver destinations for sure.

  Today, we headed out to see the Poor Clare Nuns in Mission. They are always so loving and hospitable. They were very happy to take our prayer requests, many of which are for others who are facing their own challenges. We went walking along the trails at Westminster Abbey to the magnificent view of the Fraser River, Valley and Baker in the distance. A super day of sunshine & crisp clean air. I always find it less of a challenge to go walking when the environment is so diverse & beautiful.

  If you asked me if I had a bucket list, I'd say that my bucket is pretty full. We live in the most beautiful place in the world, that gives us so much opportunity to enjoy the gift of God's creation.

  There won't be anything (medical) to report for a while, other than I'm having a CT scan this Monday at 3:00 and a few blood tests that need to be done. Thank you for your loving kindness & prayers.