Apr. 26, 2021


Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:45 PM

    Today is a 'stay at home' day. Larry headed out to (Car Park) Mass on his own, as I didn't want to venture out because of the last couple of days. On Friday morning, I woke up sneezing, and sneezing and sneezing some more, putting my back out. (That was fun!) My nose ran like a tap all day and that night. It slowed down a bit yesterday and let me sleep last night. Wasn't sure what it was (maybe an allergy), because today, I'm completely better. 

    Someone else, who has gone through 'IT' ' and has been extremely supportive from the start suffered a stroke two weeks ago. Storming heaven with prayers for her, I was squealing with delight, about 6 days later, when we saw her at church. She is so inspiring in her positive, hope-filled attitude.  What a gift of encouragement and witness to perseverance is she. God bless her & her family.

   Well, Friday was 2 weeks since the appointment with the Oncologist, re: chemo. She said, "We'll get you started in a week or two!" I've learned since the time of the diagnosis, that every 'next step', has been much later than the guesstimate given to me. It's 5 months now, since this journey began. In the meantime, I've been reading the material I was given to prepare for, and what to expect during the chemo routine.  A friend who underwent a very similar protocol to what I've been given, called this week and really helped a lot in answering practical stuff. The great news was that she never threw-up. There were other yucky things, but I'm hoping that all the strong anti-nausea meds will do the same for me.

 ** If you're not into gardens & flowers, don't bother with this paragraph! 

When it was gone, I missed it, so I started with a tree, then added leaves and blossoms, then pussy willows. For Easter, I added a (not too pretty) bunny, with daffodils & tulips. Now the daffodils are gone, there's lavender, pansies and a row of forget-me-nots. There's a nest in the tree with eggs (soon to hatch). When we lived on Spruce, my real, everchanging flower garden was something I enjoyed tremendously. The flowers I paint bring a little of that joy back. Instead of dirt, I have paint in my fingernails.

I enjoyed changing up my 'Painted Garden' window today, taking away daffodils and adding a bird bath with climbing periwinkles.  It started last Christmas with the 'blue lights of hope' with a nativity scene banner & H O P E written across.

   OK, that's it for now. Take care of yourself. I hope you found joy in this day! May God bless you in a very special way!xxoxoxoo