May. 19, 2021


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

10:01 PM

    Sweet-peas like popcorn this morning. So delightful to look fwd to each day. They aren't supposed to be blooming, as the plant is from last year & survived winter. Looking for the metaphor for me at this time... hmmm!

    Larry is seeing a client in Richmond tomorrow. (Wed.) He'll drop me off at Arunee, my 'hair' whisperer (sister-in-love) at 3:00. I called her asking if she could trim my 'Justin Beeber' wig. She said "Of course, and would you like me to shave your head?" I wasn't expecting that at all. I was so grateful & said "Yes!" through tears of gratitude. The only 2 options I had thought about, were that I would try to shave it myself, and if I fainted or threw up, Larry would have to finish the job. I was so relieved.

Yesterday was a very full day. Starting with a blood test at Maple Ridge Hosp. for platelets re: my next chemo. Then to VV Boutique for more head-wear fabric/scarf treasures. Lunch at Bruce's Mkt. outdoors, with friends joining us. Then off to Abbotsford to meet the radiation oncologist. Dr. Bahl is so caring and loving, which has been my experience (mostly) with all oncology medical personnel. On our way home, we stopped in Mission to have a back yard visit with Shane.  Quite done, was I when we got home. Thank goodness, my chicken bok choy soup was waiting for me. I gently tugged and pulled out about 75% of what hair I had left. Hoping it will help when the 'all gone' look happens… tomorrow.

   I have 2 friends who have journeyed through cancer. The one who's had radiation & chemo, has gone a bit kookoo and went shopping on line and ordered some practical headwear for me. She's been my go-to for advice and has really helped a lot, quite often laughing through the stuff that makes you want to cry. The other friend, who is also so encouraging and supportive, as just finished 4 wks. of radiation and has a daughter who has endured 2 rounds of chemo.  The daughter, whom I've never met, is giving me hats from her chemo experience. I am feeling so well taken care of, in so many ways… spoiled, actually! I am so very grateful!

  Today, I got calls from the Cancer Centre in Abbotsford, re: times for appointments. Thurs.20th - Chemo 11:00 - 4 :30 if no glitches. I'll be on my own this time, sitting among dozens of other souls in the oval chemo room. On Friday, 21st @ 10:00 - CT scan for radiation mapping. Radiation will start beginning of July, 3 wks. following 3rd chemo treatment.

  Pretty happy with my new VV acquisitions of scarves and t-shirts to convert to head covers. They smell so good after washing and (not) drying in the rain on the balcony. Might get the sewing machine out in the morning.

  Been a busy 2 weeks, 9 appointments in 10 days & that's with none on weekends. It doesn't feel like that much, especially when there's 2 in a day. Cancer Centre staff all so loving, which really takes the edge off.

God bless you. Thank you so much for prayers, they are carrying me through this journey in a way I could not have imagined.

  Ttfn. You can be sure of seeing 'something' of what will be happening tomorrow with wig & hair. I'll post the wig transformation. Not sure when I'll have the courage for the 'bald' reveal. We'll see!

Xoox So much overflowing grace I'm receiving. I ask God to share it with you!

What I am experiencing now, is what Jesus said to St. Faustina!

         "When a soul approaches Me with trust, 

         I fill it with such an abundance of graces

         that it cannot contain them within itself

         but radiates them to other souls.”  (that's you!)