Sep. 22, 2021
Hello! Just to let you know how things have been since chemotherapy last Thursday the 16th.
Re: side effects.
I did call into the cancer 'nurse line' to see what I can do beyond the 1 morning prescription pill that holds off the burning gut pain for 12 hrs. then keeps me awake through the night. She was letting my oncologist know about the 'pain in the gut and said "In the meantime, try ant-acids!" Well, wasn't that the trick! Good ole 'TUMS'. I got some sleep last night, for more than 2 consecutive hrs. Yeaaaah! So after a day yesterday, when one might have call me 'dragging lady', with zero energy, I'm looking forward to more energy today.
Up until now, the words 'Brain fog' are an understatement. I spent the morning sorting which prescriptions need renewing and double checking on my upcoming appointments. I have 3 'in person', one at Vancouver Cancer Centre, and 2 at Abbotsford Hosp. A couple of others via phone.
We thought/hoped my 2nd & 3rd post-chemo weeks would be as good as the last ones were. It's hard to plan a 'get-away' with our busy calendar, but we've managed to arrange for 3 nights at a Harrison Lake hotel from this Thurs. through till Sunday. Really hoping we can meet up with my sis & her hubby at their campsite. It'll be good just to be in that beautiful environment, regardless of how I'm moving.
The day is so beautiful today, and especially appreciated, as the forecast has underestimated the amount of sunshine we've been getting. Larry's off on an adventure, with our Syrian family, whose nephew is here from Sweden. Larry knows so many nooks & crannies of beauty to explore within 1/2 hour from home. They'll love their outing. I know my limit, so I'll enjoy their outing vicariously, with the help I’m sure of a few pics sent my way.
It's the home stretch now for my treatments! At the beginning of these 6 months, I read that its common, especially when the 'end' of treatment is in view, that kookie ideas and doubts come to mind. I'm not preoccupied with it, but the occasional thought does leech in. As soon as it happens, I evict those thoughts. For now I'm just focusing on the last (chemo) hill to climb again in 2 weeks.
I cannot tell you how much it means to me for you to take the time to see how I'm doing. From what a few of you have shared with me, I am so grateful that in some way, some of what I've shared has been of benefit to you in your own life.
I'll be meeting with the gynecological oncologist in Vancouver on the 29th. No point in speculating what he'll have to say. And the same goes for the Radiation Oncologist appointment this Thurs. followed by the Chemo Oncologist Oct 4.
I appreciate your support, encouragement, love & prayers.
Please know that I hold you in my heart and prayers for a life of peace beauty & joy! xoxo