Oct. 29, 2021


Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021 11:00 pm

  People ask "How can you have an aunt who is Japanese?" Well… she married our Dad's cousin, 'Uncle Fred'. He was the only relative of my dad that we knew, and Dad was an only child.

  I want to share with you thoughts & memories of a beautiful & gracious human being, whom we had the privilege to know as our Auntie Nancy. She died this Tuesday, Oct. 26th of Covid 19.

  Having no children of her own, Nancy always expressed gratitude for having us 5 kids in her life. She showed great wonder & enthusiasm over us as young children which carried on into our adult lives, with our own children.

  One of my favorite memories of her was when we brought her to Queens Park to meet with our niece & her children at the petting zoo. As she held 3 yr. old Abbey by the hand, looking at a cluster of lambs, goats & a calf, she said "Look Abbey how each animal is so different, and how nicely they all get along together!" That was 15 years ago, & I am still moved by that sweet memory. As her Alzheimer's lead her to a care home, she said "Isn't it wonderful to live in Canada, where they take such good care of people like me!" To us, she always saw the best in every situation. Our visits with her would often include pulling out the photo album that we made of our family with her. Each time, she would hold it to her heart and express the joy that it gave her. And with her 'forgetfulness', we got to enjoy going through that album a few times (like it was the 1st).

  When I asked her what life was like in an internment camp as a teenager, she said that she was able to enjoy the close community life, as her parents never let on the horrible thing that was being done to them by our government. I don't think I ever heard her complain or say a bad thing about anyone.

  Sadly, the last visit we had with her was a month before Covid lock down. Tragically, more than 100 people have tested positive for covid 19 among clients and staff over the past month. God bless everyone who works at facilities such as these, doing their best to care for such vulnerable people.

  I am grateful for so many positive & encouraging people in my life who lift my heart each time I think of them. I hope for you the same.  God bless you! xoxoxo

  Although, my heart is certainly sad, at the same we have so many beautiful memories of sheer delight, playing over in our minds. We thank God for the beautiful blessing of our Auntie Nancy to our family. May she rest in peace!