Aug. 10, 2022


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

7:32 PM


  A new nurse today, who explained everything while she was working with Larry, told me that during doctor's rounds there were questions as to why Larry was hardly responding to shouts or stimuli. There are a few 'could be' scenarios. With his kidneys & lungs not functioning at 100%, those are good reasons. His blood sugar was at 12.3 today also affecting the brain. But she wondered "Could it be something more?" She asked me a lot of questions about his past (almost) 6 weeks. She brought in another nurse, to go over a few things. A while later, the doctor came to see for himself, as the nurse had brought Larry to his attention. The doctor was very good. I met him once over a week ago. He is ordering further blood tests and may have Larry intubated again, if there is evidence that he is inhaling the mucus he coughs up, to avoid the chance for further pneumonia. Also, he's ordered a CT scan. I appreciate very much, the curious nature of Larry's nurse today. She met him for the first time, but I felt that she really read him well.

 Today, Larry slept & slept & slept some more. He roused slightly when the nurses were caring for his needs & repositioning him. No more catheter port on the left side of his neck. Still the one remains on his right, for dialysis, which he will have tomorrow.

 There was almost no visit in my 5 hrs. with Larry. He only really opened his eyes and kept them open for about 10 minutes at the end of my visit. He looked into my eyes and mumbled a bit. I showed him the slide show from the "Story of Us' from the blog pics. He focused on each photo. I got to give him a back rub while the nurses were repositioning him. His back has not been exposed to the air since July 1st. 

  Larry has lost 40 lbs in these 6 weeks. It was weight he needed to lose, but his muscles are mushy and he actually looks skinny. Even though he's not using his muscles, today we had a bit of an arm wrestle. I'm sure it felt so good for him to use his arms that way. Hopefully he will be getting physio therapy a.s.a.p.

  Before I was told that they may intubate Larry, to help out his lungs, I was told that they are waiting for a bed to transfer him to the H.A.U or medical unit. We'll see.

  It was hard not to be discouraged today as Larry's face about 3 times, for brief moments, would frown & he'd grit his teeth making a loud groaning sound. I just can't imagine how his brain is processing all of this.

  Good night. Thank you! God bless you. xoxo