Aug. 12, 2022
Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:20 PM
Old proverb: "Without information to the contrary you can assume that all is well." Or at least hope that all will be well.
Hello! I got a call this morning from a speech therapist who wanted to know some things about Larry. When I told her about playing music on our tablet for him, of songs he's sung & played over & over, & how I move his arm as if holding the bow for his violin and fingering chords with his left hand, she said it was "Perfect, keep on doing that!" She also told me that Larry said to the physio this morning "Why am I here?" Are you kidding? He hasn't said one clear word since his time at Surrey Memorial. I was so excited, hoping that I'd get to witness a word or two myself. No, not today!
Today was a lot like yesterday as far as Larry being awake very little, and except for one 10 minute period, would open his eyes for only a few seconds. While we had the 10 minutes of awakeness, I showed him 7 pages of email messages that I'd copied & pasted, from a 7 day period in mid July. I read out loud names of the senders and a few messages.
Larry went for a CT scan for his head. The doctor spoke with me afterward, saying that the EEG & CT scans did not show anything abnormal. He has requested that a neurologist examines Larry, to help determine what might be impeding his awakeness & alertness. Larry is no longer in need of intensive care, so he will be moved most likely to the 'stroke ward'. As long as he requires dialysis, he will have to stay at this hospital, as Ridge Meadows cannot accommodate that.
God bless everyone who contributes to the care & comfort of each patient as well as their struggling loved ones.
I'm hoping that the lack of something obvious impeding Larry's recovery is good news, and that the even better news would be that Larry's organs are gradually healing and will eventually support a healthy recovery for him.