Aug. 17, 2022

1sr Time BLOGGING FROM HOSPITAL (08.17.22)

Hello. I've only seen Larry's eyes twice, very briefly. He doesn't focus. Our connection has been squeezing each other's hands & him moving his feet when I stop rubbing them.

His neck bleed has settled down. They won't try dialysis until Friday.

It's a super quiet day. Only 1 coughing bout. I used to think sleeping a lot meant healing. I'm feeling more like he's slipping away. Fighting all the complications, he hasn't even begun recovery/ rehab from the stroke. Almost 50 days now. So little connecting, I'm really missing him.

We've listened to beautiful, inspiring & soothing music all day. Now I've undone my peace. Maybe I'll save blogging from here for extraordinary reasons.

A few days ago, I found my power of attorney for him. A blessing for sure & necessary. My stomach flips each time I see that piece of paper, because of what it represents.

God bless us all with grace, hope & peace.