Sep. 27, 2022

A REALLY BUSY DAY (09.26.22)

Monday, September 26, 2022 6:38 PM

Hello, & welcome to our day!

  Wow, RCH sure means business. There wasn't a quiet 1/2 hour but for Larry being seen by so many health care folks.

  Larry started wincing & taking short breaths around noon. He was experiencing severe burning pain in his urinary tract. So that was an unexpected concern that needed to be addressed immediately. An ultrasound (I think) machine was brought in to examen the area of concern. The catheter was replaced, a culture sent to the lab & a small clot was passed.

  I arrived to Larry in a wheel chair with the physio working with him. The type of chair did not facilitate Larry standing up. The physio said he'd be back in the afternoon, but when he did come later, Larry was in the middle of a procedure, so he said "See you tomorrow!"

  The wound nurse came to asses & prescribe a new care protocol . She told Larry that she had worked at GF Strong in recent years. He always smiles & brightens up whenever someone mentions their connection to his old work place.

 The third doctor in 3 days came to see him. I think she'll be his doctor for this week. She asked several questions, including if I had noticed hemiplegia. That tells me she's not quite familiar with Larry's stroke symptoms yet. She also mentioned concern that Larry was suicidal at Surrey Hospital. That was the "Give me scissors or a knife!" statement, when Larry's previous rash itch was at its height & his arms were tied down to the bed rail or wheelchair arms & was tortured by not being able to scratch/relieve it. I asked if she was checking into the possible liver concerns. She is!

 Later in the day, the pharmacist came & spent 20 minutes, full of questions, to try & figure out if there is anything Larry was given, that got these rashes going. She's quite the detective. She brought me over to a computer to examine various types of rashes & compare with Larry's. I also have an album on my phone that I'm organizing, of various hospital photos I've taken. My homework for the pharmacist, Is to make a calendar, indicating what & when various issues came & went.

  Larry's nurse was the same again today as yesterday. She'll be back tomorrow for the night shift. I hope she'll be taking care of Larry again. I say to Larry "Isn't she lovely?" he replies "She's very lovely!" then she says it back to him.

  We had a delightful surprise. Our adopted daughter Christine had an appointment at the hospital this afternoon, & came to see Larry. When he opened his eyes & saw her, his face lit up. She arrived, just when the pharmacist called me out of the room, so they shared a bit of quiet time together. I drove her home, as she had taken the sky-train in. Spoiled again by great Syrian cooking, I've got a few meals of some of my favorites. Actually, all that she cooks, are my favorites.

  I was going to go in a bit later tomorrow, to address a few things at home, but the pharmacist said "See you in the morning!" & it helps when I'm there, to clear up questions some staff are unsure of. Today, for instance I was asked if a nurse came to our home, to check on Larry's feeding tube. There's a whole binder of information on Larry, & every other patient, so it's quite amazing when members of Larry's hospital team have a good understanding of all his needs & developments right away.

 I'm going to do the unthinkable right now & have a wee nap. 20 minutes max! Perhaps & can tackle a few of the things I originally planned to do in the morning.

  Larry slept (or tried to sleep) a lot today. His day was exhausting for me, so I can only imagine what it takes for him to get through full days like today. The pharmacist had sent meds & cream to help relieve Larry's itchy rash & the nurse was applying it as I left. I am so grateful for how well Larry was cared for today!

  God bless you! Please don't sweat the small stuff. The mountain Larry & I are facing right now, has certainly erased every mole hill that I ever thought was a big deal in our past! xoxo