Oct. 4, 2022

A LIVELY DAY (10.03.22)

Monday, October 3, 2022 8:36 PM

Hello. Welcome to our day!

 Larry was on a stretcher, when I arrived, waiting to be taken for a CT scan of his whole body!

I said before we went down, that the only thing they haven't taken a picture of is his big toe. Well, now they have. It’s a precautionary measure, to rule out infection in his bones. While in the waiting area of medical imaging, a patient was being wheeled into the same area. It took 5 people to safely transport him in his bed, along with 3 I.V. poles with a myriad of tubes & bags. I told Larry that this was him a couple of times since coming to hospital. "Wow!" I told him that everyone was so happy & relieved that he's come such a long way from then. The scanning took almost an hour, then we went back to his room.

  Larry's nurse today is the same as from his first 2 days at RCH last week. She is soooo lovely. She was being very careful with the sensitivities that cause him to throw up. She scanned his bladder twice, to see how well it was emptying. At 1st it was very full. Larry was not at all impressed with how the nurse would help empty it, if he couldn't do it himself. For an hour, he focused on 'working at it'. It's been 3 months with a catheter. The nurse was happy to tell him after an hour that the bladder was significantly less full. A great surprise from her, was to find out that she nursed at the rehab centre at Queens Park, where Larry is likely to go. She said it was very, very good. She is the only person we have spoken with who has had 1st hand knowledge from experience there. Larry was happy to hear that, & so was I.

 Another great surprise was Linda bringing a Roho air seat cushion for Larry's wheelchair. It's absolutely essential for his pressure wounds, & not always available from the hospital rehab department. We are so relieved to have this special seat cushion! Linda came with Abby. The minute Larry saw Abby, he greeted her & madly waved. Well, then it was on! The two of them did their own version of 'Simon-Says', which provided a good arm workout for Larry. They always have so much fun together, communicating in their own silly way. When it got quiet, Larry would initiate something again. He repeatedly did his own version of 'I heart you' with his hands & fingers. The visit was short, but very sweet, indeed! This photo definitely does not represent the animated Uncle Larry with Abby today!

 The rest of the afternoon was quiet. I played music that Larry's played before. I was so pleased to see him mouthing the words. I encouraged him to continue, as it was great exercise for his mouth, which really needs loosening up. When I thought he was sleeping, and would stop stroking his arm, he'd say "Don't stop!" I often sat with my eyes closed, only to open them to him looking back at me. I have not seen him this awake & engaged, before today. I hope it means a good sleep tonight.

  When the doctor arrived, later in the afternoon, he reported good things. Sorry I can't remember details, but he is very pleased at how many things are clearing up for Larry. They are not 100% sure about the cause of the rashes, so they are sending him for an appointment at St. Paul's Hospital allergy clinic. He said that Larry is nearing the stage of transitioning to a rehab facility. Larry was so pleased to hear that, as his words when asked by 'any' of the medical team if he has any questions, is always "When can I have rehab!" Yes, let's get this show on the road, already!

  I was happy to get a message from Larry's sister tonight, that Larry was kibitzing with her. He's come so very far & we hope & pray for the momentum to keep picking up, & that he feels very encouraged through his courageous & persevering efforts toward gaining strength & mobility.

 I'm so happy to report to you such a hopeful & happy day today! Thank you for sharing in our hope & joy!
