Nov. 17, 2022

ANOTHER GOOD DAY! (11.16.22)

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 7:28 PM

Hello, welcome to another good day!

 Larry's day today continued to be as positive as yesterday. I'm happy to say that he is alert in many ways & giving a great effort in all that he's asked & needs to do to gain strength, mobility & independence. With the aid of his walker, Larry took his 200 + steps, going longer before needing a rest along the way. Again, lots of cheers along the way! Yeaah Larry!

 The reason for the picture of our 'Matryoshka' stacking dolls, is because of the young mom of a new baby girl & a 2-year-old, who are living here, as refugees from Ukraine. I heard about an upcoming baby shower for them & spoke with our niece who has beautiful 7-month-old twin daughters, with a ton of baby girl things that they've now grown out of. I've passed the items along to a friend who will pass them along to the family. I haven't seen our twin great-nieces, for a little while & it was such a treat to see them today, joyfully bouncing & rolling. Daddy is Scottish & the girls do their heritage proud, as they joyfully jig in the Jolly-Jumper.  Our niece is a super Mommy & it was such a delight to hear her singing to her baby girls, incorporating their names into songs we used to sing when we were young moms. They are smiley babies & so content. I showed videos that I took to Great-Uncle Larry & of course he was delighted.

 I began my day at physio for a spasming neck, which became more debilitating with each day this week. It's a 3-minute walk from our condo to the clinic. My first time with this therapist, and oh my, he really has healing hands! I'm sure I'm an inch taller, after all the traction he did on my neck. I'll be going again on Friday. In the meantime, the heat pad is hugging my neck & shoulder & I never go without a scarf to keep my neck warm, including when I go to bed. The scarf helps a lot, especially when there's a draft.

 I would describe today in many ways as a day of people helping people, helping people! Thank you for being a part of it!  God bless you! xoxo