Jun. 19, 2021
Friday, June 18, 2021 4:47 PM
I could actually say that 'TODAY, THE DARKNESS CAME OUT' of my last week, since chemo.
I got a call Tuesday, giving me my first appointment date for radiation therapy - Thurs. July 8. And so it begins! 5 trips a week for 5 weeks. Not sure if that, in my sub-conscious mind was playing a number on me. For the last few days, each time Larry hugged me, I just sobbed. No particular thought, just sadness! I left the house for the first time yesterday, after 7 very dark days & had a tough time all day!
I responded to a dear friend with this message today, as she sent an email expressing her deep sadness over seeing me for a brief minute yesterday, in a moment of overwhelming grief. Here's what I sent her:
"Yesterday seems so long ago. I know you are sad for my sad, that's how close sister/friends are.
Today, Larry & I met at Queens Park rose garden with Aunties Anita & Claudia, & sisters Linda & Erin. Always such a joy. After strolling & 'smelling the roses', we sat in the gazebo with juice & scones. Erin read from Aunty Claudia's 'Stories telling of her memories of my Mom." Mom was 9 years older than her. So beautifully moving and such a gift. We felt our Mom & Memere with us today.
Then we went for lunch with L & E at 'Bruncheria' corner of Columbua & Braid. Amazing food, outdoor patio. Hospitable Romanian owners & staff. It's now 3:00. Feels like I've been on a holiday. "
This week, the daily scriptures very much expressed what my heart was feeling.
Ps 27 "O Lord, hear my voice, for I have called to you, be my help!"
Ps. 34 This poor soul cried and was heard by the Lord, and was saved from every trouble."
Now, you might say "Really? Doesn't sound like it!" You see, what I was asking for, was not to be free of 'everything', but to be taken out of the darkness I had been experiencing over the week & return joy to my heart. Today, it happened!
Treat yourself to the beauty that Queens Park has to offer… then go for lunch. You won't be disappointed!
God bless you. Thank you for journeying with us! xoxo