Jul. 16, 2021


Friday, July 16, 2021 2:48 PM

   Each day, at radiation therapy, I ask another question. Spending time googling what the 'Gantry Linier Accelerator' radiotherapy is about, has defused a lot of the fear that stemmed from my ignorance about it all. I don't ask the therapists questions that are too sophisticated, because I wouldn't remember the answers. They invited me to take pictures & obviously, took the one above. By the way I'm not levitating. The octopus arms revolve around me 360*, like a 'Covid 'socially distant' air hug!
  The last 3 treatments, have had me in and out in 20 - 30 minutes. I've stopped drinking a liter of water before my appointment. I was told to drink a minimum of 4 ltrs. each day, from before my chemotherapy began. The great news today from my consult with the nurse, was that 1.5 ltrs/day is plenty. Wow! I'll go for something in-between.
  I haven't posted anything much since our lovely time away on the Sunshine Coast, because it hasn't really been a picnic, since we've been home. But things are looking up re: my radiation therapy. Today was #7 with 18 to go, and by next Friday I'll be half done! Yeaaaah!
  Yesterday we stopped by at dear friend's to wish her 'Happy Birthday!' Another friend stopped by as well, and between the 3 of us 'girls', we laughed and made fun of each other (unashamedly). It sure made up for any blues any of us might have had. We were so crazy, and all we drank was tea! That laughter was greater medicine than the long line-up of meds I have on my counter, these days. 
I hope you'll enjoy a big dose of endorphins, from simply laughing with friends, at yourself and each other! You can't plan it. When it does happen, it's pure gift!
 God bless you! Hope you're enjoying the cooler days! Take care! Even if no one is around, feel free to laugh at yourself! xoxoxo