Apr. 24, 2022


Sunday, April 24, 2022

How am I doing? Up, down, all around!
Hello. There seems to be an epidemic of sciatic nerve pain, sprained ankles , arthritic joint pain, oh yes, and back pain. Can we blame this all on the weather? Well, today the weather was beautiful and it felt so much better to be out from under the dark clouds of the last while.
  I sprained my ankle (not badly) when I fell, missing the bottom step, with my leg buckling under me. It's been 3 weeks now and I'm still limping. I keep waiting for my body to feel stronger, but there is constant weakness and pain from my hips to the bottom of my feet. Walking gracefully is a memory long passed. Not complaining, just stating the facts. (or maybe I am). I'm trying my best to stay positive, but I'm getting ticked off that I'm so limited in what I can do. I have this Morton's neuroma on the ball of my foot. When I googled it, I read "Don't worry, we don't amputate any longer!" I'm trying to get used to it, which means 'ignore it', but I need to do what I can to take care of it, or serious measures will have to be taken. Whiney, whiney, whiney!
  When pain is constant, 24/7 no matter what, depression works hard at bullying its way into my well-being.
Yesterday, someone mentioned our 50th wedding anniversary coming up & I worked hard to keep the burst of tears from flooding. When I was getting my glasses prescription filled, I asked the lady serving me (who had a strong eastern European accent) if she was Ukrainian. "No I am from Belarus my husband is from Ukraine!" I burst into sobs! She held my hand and we cried together. 
   After my litany of pain symptoms, then mentioning Ukraine, I need to just knock it off in the 'sorry for myself' department. People in Ukraine suffer with these and so many more painful issues, certainly not in the comfort and safety of their homes with their loved ones, but in the midst of catastrophe.
  Each day I pray, asking God to help me help myself. Now that I've written about my state of mind & body, I'll lift my spirit up in gratitude for life in Canada, and be more conscious of enduring any discomfort I have, graciously, as a prayer for grace and peace to people of Ukraine, Russia and Poland during this atrocious time of upheaval and terror.
 These beautiful words of a friend who suffered with and died of cancer, give me courage: "Please pray that I suffer well!" Such a generous prayer, with so much dignity. Thank you Rosalia!
  Thank you for journeying with me through my blog. May God bless you with grace and peace to endure the deep pain of your heart, mind and/or body!