Jul. 21, 2022


Wednesday, July 20, 2022
8:23 PM
Hi, thank you for joining us on this journey.
After such a difficult day yesterday, today was full of amazing gifts. Moving from his private room to a 4 bed room, was not at all a problem. Larry's nurse today was another sweet, caring, very hard working care giver. I also got to be there when his physio arrived with her team mate. They got Larry to sit at the edge of the bed & hold his head up on his own. He was using his tummy muscles too for some of the exercise. He will have the same nurse & physio team tomorrow. I'm happy about that. All that coughing it turns out , was good for something. His stomach is like rock (well almost).
  From 11:00 to 5:30 Larry hardly coughed at all. What a huge difference from the past several days, when it started in ICU. He was more lucid throughout the day. He mutters a lot, which started yesterday, and because he whispers & hardly moves his lips, it's difficult to understand what he is saying. He's moving his arms & hands more, and his feet are moving all the time, which include his thigh muscles. 
  The requisition went in today to transfer him to Ridge Meadows, so that will happen whenever there is a bed for him. I still don't know what's happening with speech therapy, which I was told he needs, to teach him how to swallow. In the meantime, his cream of wheat'ish bag of liquid food constantly drips into his stomach, down through the tube in his nose.
  Larry recognized our friend Louise, who drove me in, as well as, later in the day, my brother Tim & sis Erin & John. He would look at them and whisper their name. The 'men' had a very good visit together while Erin & I had ours in the family room. I got a couple more kisses today from my hubby, which thrills me to bits. He also said a big "Oh wow!" when I read an email with greetings & prayers, from Zambia, & of course, non-stop from N Ireland.
 Around 7:00 pm, when I was standing outside, waiting for Erin & John to take me home, Jason 'just happened' to come up from the sky train station. I don't get to see him as much as Shane at the hospital, because he visits Dad at the end of his long work days. Thanks to his vehicle having issues, & needing sky train, we got to have a wee visit, on his way in to the hospital.
BTW When Larry pulled his head quite far from do-nut pillow, I was able to take a photo *(see in Pics) of the healing scar at the back of his head. It is no longer bandaged. I asked about the piece of skull bone being replaced. I was told that it was fairly small. If it had been larger, he'd have to wear a helmet until it was put back. But, it will likely not be put back, as the bone will grow back together… or something like that.
  Safe & sound at home. Good, very good & very tired! I'm so filled with gratitude & hope from all that Larry gave us today in heroic efforts. I pray that he has peace and patience with himself as he works hard and perseveres in healing & rehab.
 I'm so happy to report on a much better day today. God bless you. Nighty night!