Aug. 3, 2022


Tuesday, August 2, 2022
7:47 PM
Hello. We appreciate your love & concern, thank you!
( I noticed that the date posted is always 1 day ahead. Today is Tuesday the 2nd.)
 Today was a lot like yesterday, but less coughing and not one suctioning. Again, 20 minutes of 'Percussion Vibration' to thump the lungs & break up congestion. Not a quiet procedure for sure! Surprisingly, little coughing followed the session. The dialysis nurse came at 3:00 today. One of the ICU pods required a great amount of attention, so that may be why Larry had to wait for the dialysis that was scheduled to happen yesterday.
  A new nurse again today, so a lot of chatting about who Larry is. With nurses meeting a different patient every day, I am sure there are many who they never get to know, when there is no loved one with them to tell their story. It makes a big difference, once they know. The 'Santa' photo, always has a melting effect. Today the nurse posted the calendar I made for Larry's July. There were a few Oh! Oh! Oh's! as she reviewed it. Some aren't even aware that he is missing a piece of skull at the back of his head. They are so focused on taking care of the present needs, they don't always know what has led to this day. I can't imagine how much more effort it takes to care for a different patient each day, rather than being with the same one for even 2 days in a row, let alone their 4 day rotation.
 Larry is moving his body a lot, legs, shoulders, head, like one does when maybe wiggle in bed to find a more comfy position. His arms are still tied down for his own protection, but I loosen the straps and have him 'play his violin' when I play a fiddle tune, or 'cast his fly rod' or just touch my face, or tousle my hair. He opened his eyes several times today for me, but only stares straight ahead. I enjoyed one reaaaaly good hand squeeze, pulsing his thumb 4 times against my hand. I still feel it!
 The nurse said today that I need to be patient. She kept repeating how important it is to be patient. What I was thinking was not very humble about the patience I've been called to have over the past 18 months of my cancer journey and especially the last 33 days.  But… I showed her just how patient I was, by biting my tongue!
 I'm not a 'face-booker', except for our 'Family Clan' which includes easily hundreds of people from 5 generations. For several months, we've enjoyed postings of photos of our grandparents & their children (my mom, aunts & uncles), going back 100 years and the 1st half of the last century. Since I posted the need for prayer for Larry's critical condition, there has not been one new post. Today, I said "We need cheering up! Please post something uplifting!" Oh my! The treasures that have already come in are priceless. My heart is already overflowing from the fun, joyful, loving, tender, beautiful encounters that each photo speaks of! It's more than I hoped for. Our immediate family is not the only one suffering heavy hearts, so the power of what is being shared is great medicine for all.
  God bless you. Take care. We love you! xoxo